Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Making Comics: Day 27 of 100. A Strong Logo

I got a little behind on my updates mainly because I fell and hurt my arm, and back over the weekend. This will serve as this weeks update. I wanted to talk a little about creating a strong logo. The logo is a very crucial think and can make or break someone from picking up the book. This doesn't always apply but it certainly can make a difference when someone is judging a book by it's cover. You also want to have a unique logo that stands out and that can be associated to your character. When you see this logo it should automatically connect you to the character. Kind of like Nike, Pepsi, Facebook, and Blogger's logos automatically associates their logo with their product, website, etc. This is something to take into consideration when designing a logo. Make it friendly to the eye and not too complicated. Keep it simple and clear but with it's own unique look. That's it for now.I hope to be back on schedule next week. See ya then. - Kenny

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blast from the past!

Hey, everyone. I just updated my vlog yesterday and decided to take a trip down memory lane and video my old self made comics back from when I was a child. I showed the 9 issues of Power Team that I did which included Slayer as the leader of the team, as well as the Slayer comics.

 It really was fun to look back on my old comics with the audience and reminisce a little. I haven't looked through those books in many years and it was nice to see how far that I've came as an artist. However, it was hard at times seeing how bad my work looked, but I was just a wee child drawing super heroes so I can deal with it. ;-)

 I think all artists should look back at their work as a kid. You can actually see the improvement in your work as you get to the newer stuff so it acts as a timeline of your progress in some ways.So if you haven't looked at your old art in years then why not break it out and see how much you've grown.

I've embedded the video below if anyone cares to check it out. That's it for now. I'll see you all next Monday. Peace!

- Kenny Keen

Monday, August 11, 2014


Well, I'm back with another Monday update. I've been really focused on my Slayer book now that I've taken the 100 days of making comics challenge. This has really given me the push that I needed. It feels great to be doing Slayer again and it keeps me motivated knowing that I have to update my progress daily to those few who actually give a damn.

 I have also been wanting to do some more pin-ups of various mainstream characters but my time have been limited to just doing the Slayer stuff. I'm going to try and squeeze in a pin-up here and there but I will need to figure out what to cut out of my busy schedule. There's always sleep, right... who needs that anyway. ;-)

Figured I'de put up some recent art I did of Deadpool just to give people something to look at until I do a new one. Hope you all have a great week. Take care.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First 5 days of 100 complete

Well, this update is a day late due to other things taking up my time now. I started the 100 days of making comics challenge on the 1st of August. That is keeping me pretty busy but I still plan to update this blog every Monday.
I'm already making a lot of progress by doing this 100 days of making comics challenge. I'm getting in well over 30 minutes each day as I work on my Slayer comic book.
I am currently re-writing the script again, working on the inks for the cover, and sketching new character designs. Things are moving pretty good considering that I work a full time job. The link is here to my youtube  100 days playlist... 100 days of making comics. Check it out if you want to see my progress.

Thats all for now until next week.
- Kenny