Monday, July 28, 2014

Backup your work!

 Note to self... always backup your backups.Well, I've been spending my weekend digging for old Slayer notes. I've been  re-working the Slayer issue 1 script because my hard drive crashed about a year and a half ago and I lost it. I thought it was backed up in my dropbox account but when I went looking for it I discovered that I was pretty screwed. So I've been digging through my old notes and re-working things as I prepare to start my 100 day challenge of making my Slayer comic.

 I had planned to jump straight onto the art but it looks like I'll be tweaking the script for a couple of weeks. I have all of the plot saved but all of the dialogue will need to be re-written. There is a notebook around here somewhere with most of the dialogue in it. I have been looking for it all weekend. You see, I've moved twice in the last 2 years and things have seemed to vanish. If I don't find the notebook then I guess I'll start it all from scratch.

So, remember to alway make copies of your scripts and back up your files. Now you know... and knowing is half the battle!


Monday, July 21, 2014

A little progress is still progress.

 Well, Im back with a small update. I had a busy week working my full time job. I did manage to get a sketch card done and a 8 by 10 charcoal commission done. I also filmed a video of a tour of my little art studio after working on it for 2 days to get it organized. My whole vibe has improved since I moved the things around. Now to get crackin' on new artwork!

 As the title states... a little progress is still progress, so don't beat yourself up when you don't get much done when working on your art. Everyday can't be perfect and just use that for a reason to push harder next time. Make the next day a challenge to get more artwork done than the day before. Those that have limited time due to work, family, school, or hitting the karaoke bar scene... set a time limit you have to reach before you can quit for the day. 

 Personally, I work better sitting up late at night when everyone else is asleep and it's quiet. I jam out to whatever music grabs me at the time and get in the zone. However, due to working night shift since last November, haven't been able to do that as much. I get about 2 nights a week to do that now. I mostly have to work on my art in the mornings when I come in from work. I tend to get sleepy quick and have fallen asleep at the desk. But like I said... a little progress is still progress.

 I was writing on my blog last week about taking the 100 day challenge of making my own personal comics. For me to do this, I will have to make some sacrifices. Let me explain a little more about what I mean. I work a full time job working 12 hour night shifts., I also do computer repair on the side. The computer work is kind of sporadic at times. I might go a couple of weeks with no work and then I get slammed with a bunch of jobs. I continue to do it because I used to have a computer repair shop and still have a lot of older clients that still call me up when they have PC issues. I make decent side money doing this but it takes away from my time to work on my comics. So when I say that I have to make sacrifices, I would have to give up taking a lot of the computer work to make time for my comics if I plan to work on them every day.

 I think the sacrifice is worth it. At some point in your life, you have to take time for your dreams or it will eat a hole in you. That much bottled up passion for something is such a waste of something great. You have to let the positive energies flow and push out the negative things that hold you back. With that being said, I plan to take the 100 days of making comics challenge starting sometime this August. It won't be easy but if it was, everyone would do it. I'll be back next Monday with another update. See ya!

- Kenny

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thoughts on the 100 days of making comics challenge.

 I also made a youtube video talking a little about this but I'll get into more detail about it here on my blog. It can be viewed here.

 A lot of people are doing this now and I really admire them for doing it. It's also very inspiring see them stepping up and taking time to work on their own personal comic book project at least 30 minutes every day. Kevin Cross was the first to do this and Peter Palmiotti and Jonathan Rector quickly jumped in and started doing their own 30 day challenge. Now there are several more people doing this and it's great to actually see the inpiration spreading like wildfire all over youtube. It reminds me of the pay it forward concept in some ways. It shows how sharing your passion for your art can inspire and motivate others to follow their dreams and do what they love, be it making comics, making music, writing, acting, bull riding, surfing, under water basket weaving, or even a twerking instructor.

 I really want to take time to focus on this but at the same time, I'm still working towards getting the free time to work on my comics every day. Things are getting easier by setting goals for myself but at the same time, there are days that I can't even get 30 minutes to focus on my comic work. I do think about my comic book ideas all the time though and I'm constantly writing ideas down on scrap paper, napkins or whatever is nearby when a good idea hits me, but actually getting time to draw that idea and breathe life into it is limited at times.

 I have been incorporating my ideas that I talked about before on my blog, "Making time for your art." Things are moving in the right direction but I still want to be better prepared before I take this challenge. I would like to focus on my Slayer comic book when the time comes to do this 100 day challenge. It would be a great way to push myself and the pressure of doing a daily video would force me to stick to a tight deadline and get this book moving again. So, that is on the horizon for upcoming things to focus on but first I have to clear some other projects off of my plate. I have some lettering work, sketch card commissions, and another short horror story to do first and then that can be my main focus. Hopefully I'll have a few more vlogs done also and will be more comfortable making videos. Everything gets easier with practice so I guess we shall see.

 I'll be back next week with more insight on this subject. Later.

- Kenny

Monday, July 7, 2014

Had a great July 4th

I took an unexpected vacation from the 3rd to the 6th and celebrated the 4th of July with my wife at Carolina Beach. I had planned to get a little bit of artwork done this weekend but this vacation kept me busy but I'm glad I took some time off. It was a much needed break from the day to day hassles that I deal with at work and home.

 Sometimes you need to get away and unwind a bit. It can help you get rid of stress and clear your mind of all of the everyday problems that you have to deal with. If you haven't had a vacation in a while and feel that you need one, save up and take a week or even a weekend and get away and enjoy yourself a litttle.

 Now on to my progress. I am now lettering a short story for a new horror anthology that I have in the works. This new series will be taking the place of Horrific Tales Anthology and we be titled, "After Midnight." I have found several writers and artists interested in contributing work for this series. "After Midnight" will be a 32 page anthology featuring three 10 page horror stories from different artists and writers including work from me as well. If you would like to contribute a written story or art for a story please send samples of your work to

 That's it for now. See you all next week.

- Kenny