Monday, July 14, 2014

Thoughts on the 100 days of making comics challenge.

 I also made a youtube video talking a little about this but I'll get into more detail about it here on my blog. It can be viewed here.

 A lot of people are doing this now and I really admire them for doing it. It's also very inspiring see them stepping up and taking time to work on their own personal comic book project at least 30 minutes every day. Kevin Cross was the first to do this and Peter Palmiotti and Jonathan Rector quickly jumped in and started doing their own 30 day challenge. Now there are several more people doing this and it's great to actually see the inpiration spreading like wildfire all over youtube. It reminds me of the pay it forward concept in some ways. It shows how sharing your passion for your art can inspire and motivate others to follow their dreams and do what they love, be it making comics, making music, writing, acting, bull riding, surfing, under water basket weaving, or even a twerking instructor.

 I really want to take time to focus on this but at the same time, I'm still working towards getting the free time to work on my comics every day. Things are getting easier by setting goals for myself but at the same time, there are days that I can't even get 30 minutes to focus on my comic work. I do think about my comic book ideas all the time though and I'm constantly writing ideas down on scrap paper, napkins or whatever is nearby when a good idea hits me, but actually getting time to draw that idea and breathe life into it is limited at times.

 I have been incorporating my ideas that I talked about before on my blog, "Making time for your art." Things are moving in the right direction but I still want to be better prepared before I take this challenge. I would like to focus on my Slayer comic book when the time comes to do this 100 day challenge. It would be a great way to push myself and the pressure of doing a daily video would force me to stick to a tight deadline and get this book moving again. So, that is on the horizon for upcoming things to focus on but first I have to clear some other projects off of my plate. I have some lettering work, sketch card commissions, and another short horror story to do first and then that can be my main focus. Hopefully I'll have a few more vlogs done also and will be more comfortable making videos. Everything gets easier with practice so I guess we shall see.

 I'll be back next week with more insight on this subject. Later.

- Kenny

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